Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Depends I think, sd. After a strong day if it's strong into the close that usually points to continuation on Monday - presumably because there's still a lot of pent up buying in evidence despite all the longs closing out after a good day.

also I can add that Dow cash has gap on open on friday, which adds to downside as traders know people trade towards the unfilled gap

Bet you can't trade it at any bucket shops though, not without an 80 point spread in non volatile conditions 😀

not sure but its something to keep an eye on, currently crossing above its 100day ma

there is an etf SPDR Global Dow ETF (DGT) -NYSEArca
not sure but its something to keep an eye on, currently crossing above its 100day ma

there is an etf SPDR Global Dow ETF (DGT) -NYSEArca

42% weighted with US stocks... the next in line is Japan with a measly 9%.

Probably more beneficial just to watch the individual indicies I should think.
Blimey O'Reilly - just been flicking through the SB accounts (3) I've got and found one I haven't looked at for ages got an open trade - Tesco -in it from MARCH!! would you believe. Why I traded a share in SB I've no idea since they all CFD. It's about flat despite all the overnight charges so shut it off - good job I noticed 🙂
Blimey O'Reilly - just been flicking through the SB accounts (3) I've got and found one I haven't looked at for ages got an open trade - Tesco -in it from MARCH!! would you believe. Why I traded a share in SB I've no idea since they all CFD. It's about flat despite all the overnight charges so shut it off - good job I noticed 🙂

wow, they dont email monthly statements?
5820 looks a rather tasty area 😉

Although it's gonna have to work it's socks off to beat that 5800 level, expect lots of bouncy bouncy I should think

funny u should say that................

found an article on a website title "Will we see 5820??"
Blimey O'Reilly - just been flicking through the SB accounts (3) I've got and found one I haven't looked at for ages got an open trade - Tesco -in it from MARCH!! would you believe. Why I traded a share in SB I've no idea since they all CFD. It's about flat despite all the overnight charges so shut it off - good job I noticed 🙂

Employing the Splitlink strategy there Barjon? Open a position and go shopping. You should've turned market maker, remortgaged your house and gone shopping in Tesco 😆

Was it ever in profit or flat the whole time?
people on this thread should build an algo, hearing about one on CNBC can lose $40million/each minute
Blimey O'Reilly - just been flicking through the SB accounts (3) I've got and found one I haven't looked at for ages got an open trade - Tesco -in it from MARCH!! would you believe. Why I traded a share in SB I've no idea since they all CFD. It's about flat despite all the overnight charges so shut it off - good job I noticed 🙂

Any dividend payments in that time.