Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Reksa, samirs has smeared me as being a person promoting the wallstreet signal service scam

You both are good posters on this thread. I suggest you both call a truce.

I have not gone back through the thread to see what was said. All I know is as soon that user id 'Wallstreet1928' is mentioned it causes a rift.

Best to just get back to scalping the FTSE Futures 😀
we may become emotional about it but i have made only statement of facts

so i can only respond to the constructive comments someone has in response to the factual statements i have made so far

you have joined forex factory only 2 days back and made 2 posts so far.... both referring to this this blog must have had deep influence on you

that actually supports my point that people do and will come to the forum to seek guidance and help

one (specially the main protagonists ) needs to ensure that any statements supporting external vendors are worded carefully....sharing external sources / links is one thing and can be quite useful but excessively and repeatedly endorsing someone (specially one who has documented scam threads against them and has been banned from the forum for that reason) is another

i have nothing personal against anyone but i only showed the courage against the potential backlash...and i did it since i saw repeated instances of excessive praise for a vendor despite requests to consider documented evidence of scam / fraud on this very same forum

i would like for the thread to continue to flourish and I have openly praised SDs effort on multiple occassions

i think legitimate criticism should also be taken in the same stride and no one should be treated "above law" just because of mass popularism

ironically I need to write this on traders forum .....aren't traders expected to logical, unbiased, factual and not emotional

I've always wondered about this statement. You see it banded about so often. Trading without emotion. It doesn't make sense to me. I can understand how emotions can both influence and affect/effect trading results but to trade WITHOUT emotion?

Human Beings by their very nature are emotional. It is what has kept our species alive and thriving for the past 10,000 years or so. You feel scared, this is evolution telling you that you need to be careful. You feel happy this is evolution telling you that you have done something good, so go do it again. You feel angry, this is evolution telling you that something has not gone according to plan has taken you by surprise and it's out of your control to influence the outcome.

These are all emotions that influence our decisions not just trading decisions but life's decisioins on a daily basis. You can't just switch off 10,000 years of evolution at the flick of a switch.

Ask Roger Federer if he was nervous before the Wimbledon final. Ask Andy Murray how he felt when he lost. Ask Federer how he felt when he won. These are athletes at the very top of their game. The same emotional states they go through are similar to ones we go through when trading. You get nervous before a trade. You get angry when it isn't going your way. You feel happy when you win. Why would you want to try and turn these off?

This is my personal view of course, but I like to trade WITH these emotions, not against them. I like to listen to what I am feeling because it's there for a reason. I get nervous sometimes before a trade, but that's okay it's human nature. I get angry sometimes when I lose, that's okay too because I'm human!

It's how you DEAL with these emotions that ultimately provides what success you will have not whether you can turn them off and become a robot. If you can't handle your emotions when trading buy an ea, set and forget. But I bet you want be half as successful as if you manage your emotions and learn to listen to yourself.
yes you would rather call me shameful and idiotic than wallstreet

that exposes your other side which surprises me

i have pointed you to many threads that prove how wallstreet has been proven wrong

you just have chosen to ignore

in fact you yourself said once that may be he has improved since then which also is an assumption but at least you accepted that there was problem in the past

also dont forget only last week you agreed to retract your statements that he is the greatest trader ever based on the evidence i provided

not sure what you would like to call yourself when you seem to be taking wallstreet's claim of 100s of points on face value

he has not stood to any scrutiny and gone to the extent of threatening any opposing members that they would be hospitalised etc

obviously a man is known by the company he keeps and you seem to like company of those like wallstreet

it is people who commit frauds who should be shameful and those who believe fraudsters are idiotic

not me for bringing that awareness

answer my simple questions
so on what basis did you repeatedly call him "greatest trader ever"

Samirs would you mind leaving aside your off topic comments so that this thread can get back on track - discussing the scalping of FTSE Futures 😴
God you can tell it's the weekend.

Well, the markets are open again now, so can we get back to business please 😉
Morning All
BHP +2.3%
RIO +4.3%
Basically these stocks reversed all of Fridays losses.
All Asian markets up after the big lead from the USA.
AUD very flat for a Monday, don't think there is real lead for the FTSE from this part of the world.
50 to go in Sydney.

Those "live" calls were pretty suspect as were the "reported" results of them. It was all the doubt and the evidenced manipulation of those results which led to the furore in the first place.

I think I have mentioned before that, aside from more general explanations of strategy etc, it is extremely dangerous to listen to anyone but yourself.

morning Barjon, i got the impression from reading the last few pages of that live call thread that he made many pips but people queried his method of calculating pips on partially closed trades, why did the thread go on for so long if he is posting suspect trades?
Dow after Fridays strong close usually leads to flat or down close the next trading day, digestion of gains
morning Barjon, i got the impression from reading the last few pages of that live call thread that he made many pips but people queried his method of calculating pips on partially closed trades, why did the thread go on for so long if he is posting suspect trades?

mornin', sd

I don't want to prolong this since I think we've got better things to talk about 🙂

Initially, the thread had no indication that there was a subscription service in the background and ws was careful to keep within the guidelines once that started to emerge. He strayed across the line and that coupled with evidence that gradually emerged about the veracity of his "trades" and "pip calculation" finished the thread.
mornin', sd

I don't want to prolong this since I think we've got better things to talk about 🙂

Initially, the thread had no indication that there was a subscription service in the background and ws was careful to keep within the guidelines once that started to emerge. He strayed across the line and that coupled with evidence that gradually emerged about the veracity of his "trades" and "pip calculation" finished the thread.

Morning Barjon,

thanks for that , i wont bring it up again
Dow after Fridays strong close usually leads to flat or down close the next trading day, digestion of gains

Depends I think, sd. After a strong day if it's strong into the close that usually points to continuation on Monday - presumably because there's still a lot of pent up buying in evidence despite all the longs closing out after a good day.