Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

So, crystal ball time.
Biden has announced 'the package' but it was leaked bit by bit weeks ago and no surprises.
S&P just shy of 4,000.

Some nerves must come in as to whether the bill will pass in its current form, I mean there are a lot of greedy congress people who want to grease their palms with that money before it can be passed.

So a retreat from 4,000 until the bill is passed then to the moon!

Any other mystic meg predictions?
gonna guess 4025 ES or so, and then a correction to take us back a little lower than where we are now. Maybe 3900-3950 ES if you are lucky (bargain time again)

Ok, not expecting much of a pullback at this point now before the next major move up
The way they held it initially and now blasting through makes me second nguess a decent pullback
I would hold that until 5k now, cos that's where the es is headed! Holding my Dow longs till 34k, then will wait and see
This is more of a mini swing. Happy to add to it of course and improve my average (should they decide to try to shake some weak bulls out)
I think we probably hit 4200 ES fairly soon.
4k level (ish) will likely be some sort of bottom for a while now as they hold that level and then target the 5k area medium term
That's the next target, as you say. 5k ES
I would hold that until 5k now, cos that's where the es is headed! Holding my Dow longs till 34k, then will wait and see
Those US markets are going to keep heading higher as long as the gubernment keep throwing $trillions at them.