barjon already did at 9am...barjon2 at 10 am
Dick Lexic, the Barjon refers to the 10am sharp move, which has started already
i'm not 100% but i thought the barjon times were ...8:30/9am/10am/3pm?
to make it simple since i can only remember one thing, i use the term barjon to refer to the 10am time.
i still forget about them...i need to get an alarm clock on the pc
Have just started to look at the reversal times on the ASX200
11am and 130pm seem to be the times.
So the barjon system has now been exported down under.
Should help the GDP read next 1/4 😆
Dear Dick Lexic, how much % each day must u grow your account to end up with 4 times your money over a year?
no idea but as your the % man i'm sure your gonna tell me🙂