Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

L YM again.. 25 979

i think DOW is setting up for a run..higher

trgt 040

stop = BE

edit stopped

L again here 977

edit trgt 040
Last edited:
Imagine there's a raging bull market and and leading stock symbols are all over the news. There are, as ever, the laggards, the penny stocks, but they never come to the party and dawdle along. What happens when the leading stocks eventually decline? The penny stocks decline too.

Today's (i.e. last month's) leading symbol = NAS
Laggard/penny stock = DJIA

Want to get your fingers burned? Play with penny stocks. sure, you'll have a occasional winner, but it's not a winning strategy.
i bot NQ here
Imagine there's a raging bull market and and leading stock symbols are all over the news. There are, as ever, the laggards, the penny stocks, but they never come to the party and dawdle along. What happens when the leading stocks eventually decline? The penny stocks decline too.

Today's (i.e. last month's) leading symbol = NAS
Laggard/penny stock = DJIA

Want to get your fingers burned? Play with penny stocks. sure, you'll have a occasional winner, but it's not a winning strategy.
its a bit more sophisticated than this..
DOW @ 950, and on life support, doesn't turn here this whole shebang is screwed :|

(this is snapshot of how i trade i kid you not)
the DOW (almost) hasn't been lower than this all day..just hanging around.

i think the dow wants to grab some daylight...

and i am sure the NAS won't mind 😉