Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

markets are like elastic, it takes you out and comes back to your entry again so some traders do not use SL for is also a risk of ruining your account if you dont have money management in place,

I leave wide SLs for small positions and tight SLs for big positions.
DOW shorts 26150s and 26200s?
I'd wait until the top of the hour as the bucket orders are still getting filled. After that we usually see a trend take off that lasts an hour or so.

Are you going with the trend or calling a top?
I'd wait until the top of the hour as the bucket orders are still getting filled. After that we usually see a trend take off that lasts an hour or so.

Are you going with the trend or calling a top?

Going with the day's trend.
US continues to power higher. The last time I saw this kind of frenzy was back in the dot-com/dot-bomb/dot-gone days. This is going to be an ugly ending when sentiment changes to realism.
the DOW is real heavy anchor pulling everything toward center of the Earth

but, the NAS is our dear leader, need to see wealkness :|

pride goeth before the fall...Mr NAS
i don't think (imho) this market goes down seriously till DOW sees at least 26,2...don't trade on my delusions..(trasde your own lol) 😉
i bot YM here again..

edit my stop is my entry 25980

26,1 trgt..that can change if i think its stalling..

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