Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Some sensible level headed analysis.
Indeed... the main takeaway is that we won't know till March if the spread is under control at the epicentre and as far as the rest of the world, the next 3 weeks will determine if measures to limit the spread have been successful. In the face of such uncertainty and possible continued disruption of supply chains for at least another month, I do think markets are showing way too much complacency. I won't be going long at least until market get to the 200-day average, even then I will remain cautious, Currently, I'm net short in the US markets
Barjon"s dump area....Just wont leave it alone.......Excellent stuff

I need to add that the mortality rate of seasonal influenza is 0.1%, the mortality rate of the coronavirus is 2%. The added fear factor is obvious, so, anyone making a comparison between the two and that still thinks closure & travel restrictions are an overreaction should consider "what would they'd be doing if cases were found in their area"?
Check out Prof Neil Ferguson ( Imperial College University of London) in his video. Some sensible level headed analysis.
Indeed... the main takeaway is that we won't know till March if the spread is under control at the epicentre and as far as the rest of the world, the next 3 weeks will determine if measures to limit the spread have been successful....

Yes, facts do help, especially the bit where it says the mortality rate is unknown.

10 Key Video Points
  1. 50,000 new cases a day in china
  2. Infections doubling every 5 days
  3. Death rate is still unknown ...
Time will tell, maybe I'll get a T shirt saying "I survived the Coronavirus pandemic" and tell my grandchildren all about it.
