Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

45 minutes to go and dax and ftse are on the weekly low zone.

Dow and s&p look like they want to take on new highs.
yeah, some of us got other things to do rather than watching grass grow. most Indices are sort of stable but unable to call off building bearish technicals. I'm uneasy on the Nasdaq so got busy rearranging my tech holdings... increased Amazon, Apple and Lam while sold off Google and Facedook, will try to re-enter these two at lower prices. also sSold half of the ndaq index and did manage +331pts on 2 x dow closes. Think I'm done watching for today, going to do real work now, got limit orders that will do the work if levels reach
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FTSE and dax getting slammed into the close, weekly lows all round.

US markets plodding higher.


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