Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

What you are all now witnessing is the power of prayer!


At this point, who cares who wins we just want another brexit $$$$$$

A 1000pt drop on the DOW would be nice followed by another 1000 pts on the way back up!!

I will be risking a trump victory with a small stake. Risk/reward is an opportunity not to be missed.
Unbelievable !

The markets are tipping their hand. They are showing you the direction and the likely outcome of the election. and it's not for Trump 😆
If you got to check who the wife is voting for then you have no chance.


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Much as I would like to think The Donald could pull it off, I've closed at 18050 and I'm going to bed.

What a week!

Damn! 18008 now and falling like a rock! 17989 cant type fast enough.

37/41 Trump to win on IG.