Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Are you watching the US markets?

The s&p has been going higher since 5.30 and its going to go higher into the close. The ftse's going to gap open higher tomorrow and not look back.

sure looks that way. Would have agreed if europe fell today
The major Asian indices did not show a common trend. The Japanese stock market in recent weeks has been one of the best performers but today was penalized by the appreciation of the yen, which pressured shares of exporters in the country.
Price is King:
The truth is the price level at which negotiates an asset in the given moment, regardless of what we would like to see.
The major Asian indices did not show a common trend. The Japanese stock market in recent weeks has been one of the best performers but today was penalized by the appreciation of the yen, which pressured shares of exporters in the country.

Where have you been? We've missed you. 👍
People feel most comfortable in a congestion or a consolidation area, but this may be the most dangerous place to be. So it would be logical to conclude that trading outside the comfort zone shall be the safest and correct one.
Price is King:
The truth is the price level at which negotiates an asset in the given moment, regardless of what we would like to see.

Some price action is predictive of One outcome over another. Some never achieve this knowledge, and most don't listen anyway !🙂
Well thats what a "New normal" down day looks like on the s&p -0.33 or -0.02%

Rally tomorrow.