Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dax holding gains.
Still a bit choppy out there but not like yesterday. Could we see an UP day?
Generally, the pattern of this month is characterized by an initial rise during the first week, followed by a correction and a rally at the end of the month. So far, it can be assumed that this pattern is repeating itself, only missing its most interesting part: the year-end rally.
Seriously now.
The Dow is 80 points off its high and the Dax wont drop 10 points from its high!!!!!

Any minute now.


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I honestly cant remember this happening before.
I'm pretty sure theres intervention going on unless anyone knows something more substantial.
Is it a half day on the dax. Is the exchange broken.
The dax does not sit in a 20 point range for 2 hours when the dow has dropped 90 points.
So quite evidently every time the dax comes near 360 you can buy it and make money. Looks like its being guaranteed. The ECB equivalent of the Yellen put.
Well daxy got her 400 I thought it would this morning but when I saw the US markets fall, I didnt think shed make it.
So the S&P is now up 50 points from yesterdays low. Thats all good then.
Nobody cares about interest rates any more. The Greeks, who are they. Russians invade Ukraine I dont remember that.