Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Does anyone here have any sage advice how they handle their emotions, the stress, the strain, the "what if?" of letting their winners run?

Hi f2, if a trade is creating distress for you then perhaps it means that you are trading a size that is too big for you emotionally. Try smaller lot sizes.

If a trade is creating stress, then this may actually be helpful as it releases hormones that help you to focus and concentrate. Obviously stress is useful only for brief periods of time, and detrimental to your health if sustained over long periods.

I find it also helps to have a written plan, with "if-then" scenarios that help to clear your emotions out and bring you back to the cold hard task of objective decision making.
Well as you say, it didn't happen for 3 months.
Thanks anyway just interested in your thoughts, which seem to be that you like a chart if it matches your global view if not then disregard it.
I am trying to learn but have learnt so far to try best to automate my decisions.
Well as you say, it didn't happen for 3 months.
Thanks anyway just interested in your thoughts, which seem to be that you like a chart if it matches your global view if not then disregard it.
I am trying to learn but have learnt so far to try best to automate my decisions.

Your conclusion doesnt make sense, (to me).
- I had a chart and I traded it. Entry and exit points.
- The trade failed so my chart was meaningless for the days trading.
Tonight I re evalute and trade tomorrow based on different information.

There would have been no reason to automatically go long as you suggested, I had no chart or justification to support it.

This, IMO is an example of someone using information only if it agrees with their preconceived idea.

"So if they agree with what you think will happen use them, otherwise ignore them.
I think thats called 'Confirmation bias'."
It seems we are facing a new paradigm in the equity markets, history teaches that the difference separating the two sides of the Atlantic will have to be resolved. The big question is by how: the correction of the European markets or the recovery of US markets? The answer to this question can be given by Euro behavior. The European currency has suffered a sharp devaluation against the dollar (for the reasons already described several times), boosting the prices of the exporting companies. Buying European bonds has been a very popular strategy among global investors. This strategy has already obtained interesting returns and considering we were quite investors that followed, there is a risk of simultaneous realization of capital gains if any adverse event arise. A possible negative factor may be a momentary recovery of the Euro, whose fall has reached extreme levels. The common currency’s behavior monitoring is of crucial importance at this stage.
Had nearly 30 pips profit on that one, but turned around again now! lol
Profit target is set at 12106.5
Stop looks velnerable here now.
See what happens. I've got to pop out for a few minutes
^ im thinking so too, are you doing that off the trend support line?

The so-called Fast Money had accumulated selling positions in the previous week, trying to capitalize on the fears of many investors in relation to interest rates. During yesterday’s session, many of these investors have reduced these selling positions due to the meeting of the FED (which starts today but whose decision shall only be forwarded tomorrow).
FTSE - remember her. Shes about to go up more out of hours than she did during the whole trading day.
Thats OK then isnt it ? :whistling