Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

its gettin ready for a pump or a dump
change the chart inputs and look what we get

Ahhh online investment websites, gotta love 'em.

14th Jan.
5 Reasons Why Shares Are A Better Investment Than Property

"Better Prospects
Although the returns on property have surpassed those of shares in recent months, the future may turn out to be rather different. That’s because interest rate rises and the potential for a change in government could hold back the property market moving forward, especially since many people feel that the market has become overvalued and unaffordable for many prospective buyers.

The stock market, meanwhile, has a number of high quality companies that, based on a variety of methods, appear to be attractively priced at the moment"

And the very next day ...
15th Jan.
3 Signs That The FTSE 100 Is About To Plummet

2 mthods of trading that
1.if it breaks upwards
trade the break..reassess after 4-5 boxes,as there is likely to be a bull test..if it lloks bad..close up and trade the recoil back into the bull test area
then we look at bull test area and trade the new break
3 trades
a closer look at the price on 5 min

the aqua trendline is a reasonable area for supp to show..imho
probably scalp from the res down to the aqua area..possibly reassess there

this is the basic method of trading wit p/ just trade breakouts...but you want to get in on the other side of the break..that is it
Well done.

One question if you do not mind: you risked 38 points and you made 10?

I risked 20 , short at 58 sl 20 - points away - , many times i make multiple what i risk , but it was dull and choppy so i got out ...