Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

A fourth Hindenburg Omen observation for 2015 occurred on Tuesday, January 13th. We sit on an official Hindenburg Omen Tuesday, as we have more than one observation within a 30 day period, we have four from January 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th, 2015. This supports a possible stock plunge occurring sometime over the next four months. ...

We all know its coming, its all about the timing.
Those market makers arent going to make it easy for us.
I'm swamped at work, but looking at the market... perhaps a good thing. This kind of volatility is heaven for scalpers, hell for anybody above that level. We changed direction already 6 times and we are still in fairly early time of day!

I made long entry in the morning, resulting in BE (why, oh why is it so wrong to take profit?). I was counting on a bigger bull move. Well, it did take place, but only after it took me out and I wasn't around to re-enter.

That's it for me, likely till late NY session.

lets see if this is the 5th successfull signal candle in a row (will explain in a bit if it pays off, lol)
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