Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

A fourth Hindenburg Omen observation for 2015 occurred on Tuesday, January 13th. We sit on an official Hindenburg Omen Tuesday, as we have more than one observation within a 30 day period, we have four from January 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th, 2015. This supports a possible stock plunge occurring sometime over the next four months. What is strange is that we also had several H.O. observations in the first half of December 2014. The close proximity of the January observations with the December observations is unusual. The December H.O. is valid through April 2nd, 2015. The January H.O. is valid through May 6th, 2015. That is three months of overlap from two independent official H.O.s. That tell s us the stock market remains in a precarious condition at this time and for the first third of 2015.
for all you JPY watcher

5 min of last few days..things got nasty where the 14 is