Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

im still down on the day and quite a bit down from yesterday but I will probably take it slow for the rest of the month now. My target for the month is £2500 which if off the dax is roughly 500 points. I'm already 70 points down so I need 570 from 18 days - 31 points a day.

Seems a tall order to me
And now up30 points for thr week! Boom!

I called the short and long right for once
for all you jpy watchers
usdjpy 15 min

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European stock markets traded without a clear trend and nervousness dominated investor sentiment. Yesterday, European shares suffered heavy losses, explained by the confluence of several factors: the fall of the oil, the depreciation of the Euro and the situation in Greece. Sometimes financial markets tend to underestimate the importance of a factor, but when its ramifications become evident give you an exaggerated importance. Most likely, the previous day fits this definition. Technically, the area of 9500 is an important support for the DAX, to be the most representative index of the European market. If this level is broken permanently (yesterday DAX ended in 9473), the probability of the German index test in the coming weeks, the minimum December (9219), increases significantly. The publication of the PMI index for the services (relating to major European economies and the euro zone as a whole) usually do not have a significant impact on the trend of the stock markets, however, given the negative sentiment prevailing among investors negative readings exacerbate weaknesses.
S&P 500 closed with sharp devaluations, for the fifth consecutive day. The strong rises that Americans indexes reached in the second half of December led to a certain complacency among investors before the threats that had been forming on the horizon. Yesterday, these threats have become evident. The continuous fall of oil price and the heavy losses suffered by European markets led to strong selling pressure on Wall Street. The fact that the American indexes have reached successive maximums during the second half of December also made them vulnerable to the occurrence of corrections.

The fall of oil and the rebirth of the fears in Europe are two factors that correlate with each other. The uncertainty caused by the Greek political situation leads to a devaluation of the Euro against other currencies, especially against the Dollar. The appreciation of the dollar has a negative effect on commodities and more particularly on oil. Affecting the price of this raw material was also the alleged increase in production of some countries like Russia and Iraq. Usually when the price of a good falls its supply decreases; however at this stage this inverse relationship does not hold. Several countries increase production to offset the negative effect on the price decline of revenue. For countries like Russia, Venezuela, Iraq, among others, oil revenues are the main source of public treasury entries.

Some reductions by analysts, also affected investors sentiment, reminding investors that the prices achieved by some stocks can not be fully justified by the fundamentals of their respective companies.
I always thought oil floated, but apparently it just sinks. $47 :eek:
I'm sure it was $110 just a little while ago, never mind who needs oil?
Largest rise in SNB FX reserves since Q2 2012, with much of the proceeds going to Euro govts, almost renders ECB QE discussion redundant - and as with Fed rate hike talk underscoring policy divergence, Draghi manages to get someone else to do the heavy lifting, because Euro area politicians continue to shirk their responsibilities.
from Marc Ostwaid
Wow Dec FX reserves soar to CHF 495.1 Bln from Nov CHF 462.7 Bln - now that is proper intervention, money printing!
when reagan toppled soviet evil empire he did a side deal with saudis and got crude down to $13

Putin is alleging something similar is happening

Thats why we dont raise a fuss when the Saudis behead people in their country, yet it causes international outrage when 'others' do the beheading.
Its a crazy world run by crazy people.
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god I hate being at work while trading. i had a beautiful short entry on the Dax, 60 points up and my boss comes to speak to me so I cant close out, stopped out for 15 points, mother f!