Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Notice how the 2 lines meet at 1.15 when the Non Farm Employment number come out. :whistling

I think its going up. Could be wrong, lets wait and see. No rush.


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FOMC minutes tonight.
Dax has done a 400 point range since Monday and were right in the middle of it now.
Should be a bit quieter this afternoon.

Song of Germany (German National Anthem)

Germany, Germany over all
Over everything in the world!
When it comes to protecting and defending,
Our unity unites us.1
From the Maas2to the Memel3
From the Etsch4to the Belt,5
Germany, Germany over all
Over everything in the world!

German wives and fidelity,
German wine and melody
Shall all persevere in the world.
Their fair and ancient tone,
Resounds6in us our noble goal7
Throughout our entire lives.
German women, German trueness
German beer,8and German chorus!

Taken from