Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

lets see how dow(537) deals with 17,575

looks like its getting no where near 575
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Dax is desperately trying not to give in to the downward pressure.
Lets see how long that lasts.
Dax signal was there as I said, but I only took the Dow for a really quick 80 points to bad I cut my size to only £2pp from my usual £4pp
ES 1 min
it had anticipated my early visit to the pub

im still down on the day and quite a bit down from yesterday but I will probably take it slow for the rest of the month now. My target for the month is £2500 which if off the dax is roughly 500 points. I'm already 70 points down so I need 570 from 18 days - 31 points a day.

Seems a tall order to me