Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dont let 'it' be this week please, I've just entered the T2W S&P weekly forecast competition and I'm long!
I think someones got a sneak look at the housing numbers. We all know the yanks are broke, and the government may be able to fake the unemployment claims, but they cant fake the number of people (not) buying houses.
Still after the numbers come out the buyers will step in. :whistling
Just realised I never provided an update on this... as you prob saw on the chart, the trade failed not long after I posted -9 pts (pic attached).

Followed it with another nice loss (lol), and finally made some money buying at 9800.


Its not how you start its how you finish! ;)
So Dax high 9890 - low 9800 /2 = 45

Dax close 9845 for max pain to shorts and longs. :whistling
nas comp 4 hour
at a high
but....breadth not confirming
pop or a drop


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Anyone else think we've had all the pullback we're likely to see and its straight up on the open for the Dow?

Or is my earlier chart going to be filled? Usually anything over 30 minutes old is in the bin when day trading.
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Dax has been a bit choppy today; seems to me that stops were targeted a few times. One of those possible stop runs hit me a couple of times late morning (hence the dip in the equity curve). It happens. Fortunately my luck then returned bringing the total to +50 odd pts on Dax, and then added another +20 ticks on Nasdaq at the US open. Gonna stop here.

As always, good luck.

superb as usual. :D