Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

This week wasn't as good as the previous, but still was not bad.

We may have a "pullback" for the Leading Indexes, early next week.

Which you all a nice weekend.
dax 60 min
3 minor down moves in that downtrend

can see all you Elliot guys winking at me !!
9850-9863 prev supp and trend res
the real dog is 9900 area up to 9940 ish\
could go anywhere just see the reaction at s/r and look for signals to trade ..imho
goin to the moon
price could go anywhere..there is horizontal res above at 1968..that does not mean anything
best method is to follow the trend
watch for the green line to be tested
spx 15 min data

goin to the moon
price could go anywhere..


Price could go anywhere ... more likely price will go nowhere. Yet another narrowing range :sleep:.
Dax in 50 point range all day Friday, Dow moves 90 points in the PM session and sits in a 10 point range overnight. Remember the days when the Dow gapped open up 120-150 points and then kept going?
I might do a Dino and take the month off.
I'm long everything, S&P 1986 this week 2000 next week.
Its the 4th July dont you know, let me here ya'll
U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A, !
I'm thinking of setting up a new website.
"" with the slogan, on a long enough timeline the Dow will always go UP!
Only posts stories explaining how every piece of news is good for the Dow, Dax, (not the FTSE obviously). And that next week, month, year the Dow will set new record highs.
Think about it, I will be right 99.9% of the time. Come and join me, this time next year we'll all be miw-yon-aires. (Note, only apply if your name is Rodney, terms and conditions apply). ((Too much caffeine already maybe?)).
OMG soooo funny in so many ways, where do IG find these people.
Typical news story, headline reads "Gold to go to $2400", story reads, Gold going down to $1200 !!! Will go up after that. Duh!

Still its nice to know the lady being interviewed has come on such a long way since her days as a backing singing on the Muppet show.

Sorry forgot to put the link in so you could share the joke.


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Hold the front page Dax rises !
Accuracy rate for goes up to 99.95 %
Dax edged down 8 points very nervously then shot up 12 points.
Everything below Dax 9880 futures is being gobbled up, dont go there.