Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

We are at the overnight DNR line (around 9838). It held for 10 hours overnight lets see if it holds in hours.
Quick trivia question.

In the last 50 trading days, how many times has the S&P closed either up or down 1% or more?
This F*cking Dax range is even more narrow than yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously not enough people have opened short positions, so the Dax cant squeeze them.
Please people, start shorting the Dax I want it to go higher!
Zero was the answer! longest stretch since 1995.
For reference the previous 50 days had 10 days of +/- 1%, 6 up and 4 down.

I guess we have to get used to low volatility!
Zero was the answer! longest stretch since 1995.
For reference the previous 50 days had 10 days of +/- 1%, 6 up and 4 down.

I guess we have to get used to low volatility!

Just listening to this when I read your post.
Volatility - Carly says it well "I know nothing stays the same but if your willing to play the game it will be coming around again"! Bet you never knew she was a day trader. :LOL:
