Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


  • north-south-divide.jpg
    34.1 KB · Views: 78
dax is forming an upward wedge - which way do these break?
go with the break whichever side it breaks
the important level is 10034, if that is taken to the upside, long is obvious, but otherwise I am definitively short.
For a time being the 10020 holds, there might be a breakout, false breakout or a real breakout above it, but as long as 10034 is in tact shorts are safe. IMHO
There is always:cool: risk in trading, otherwise it would not be a fun:D
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Making use of time waiting, I use Pro Real Time Charts, and now downloaded MT4 to have a look, a question for you meta users, is the system user friendly?

Yes, often work with charts in preference to main platform.
I think ftse might run away clutching her skirt before tea time.


  • bustle01.jpg
    173.1 KB · Views: 73
Dax 10031 no brainer.
Dax 10050 Maybe before 3pm.

The Dax has been held here all morning encouraging people to bet on the next move.
When they have the measure of the short stops the Dax will go up to 'Max pain for the shorts' level.
The Dax has been held here all morning encouraging people to bet on the next move.
When they have the measure of the short stops the Dax will go up to 'Max pain for the shorts' level.

Yeh that's exactly what's happening. The more it knocks on the door of the highs of the day, the more shorts built up with stops just beyond the 10034 high. So I'm betting (literally - with binary touch) that it'll reach 10050.

This way I know my max downside, no stop to be gapped
Hi to all!

I think these are very valid points. Dax has not budged out of a 3 point ish range for the last half an hour just below the R1 letting the pressure build up. Who say's those German fellows have no sense of humour?!
Could be waiting for the US open to unleash chaos?