Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Was wondering what the h is going on with the fbook thingy popping up.

Bank holiday in most German provinces today so not expecting much activity which will probably spill into tomorrow as many will take a day off and have an extended weekend.
Oscar has "absolute positive green omni for all indices" today.
Could Oscar be right for once? :eek:
time to be short on dax, first entry at 10007, added close to the top, SL above the daily top at 10034
very disappointing performance from the FTSE and Carney's rhetoric strengthening the pound. wow almost 1.70 dollars to the pound. I am still holding my longs avg 6837 as fundamentally i feel everything is ok the feel good factor is going to return soon, especially if England win on saturday. may even be tempted to buy some more at 6750. All said and done I am glad my position is a small enough % of my portfolio for me to comfortably hold. with hindsight 6850 would have been a great place to take partial profits.... good luck

still in my swing FTSE long, orders to close half @6850 and 2nd half @6875.

It's good to see anyone on here making a profit.
If I understand this correctly, you averaged in at 6837 held on to a 100 point losing trade and are looking to make an average of 25 points (6875 - 6850) profit.
Your signature says "never hesitate to take a small loss" :confused:

Did I miss some posts?
It's good to see anyone on here making a profit.
If I understand this correctly, you averaged in at 6837 held on to a 100 point losing trade and are looking to make an average of 25 points (6875 - 6850) profit.
Your signature says "never hesitate to take a small loss" :confused:

Did I miss some posts?

haha. no you didn't miss any. this swing trade was not my finest hour, I should have taking half the position off when it got to 6850 and I hesitated. I am however confident the trade will come good however in terms of standard RR this wasnt a good trade for me. all things considered though I have been happy with my performance in June and the YTD, this week has been epic so far with only 1 losing trade on the scalping side.

not many other posting their fills here accept myself & DJ

good luck
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And more to the point what is their stop value that needs to be hit to close them down?

thats a tricky question as if price continues to rise people will continue to short on the basis that 'it cant go above x'. It really comes down to the amount of short interest at any one time, there are ways of tracking it.
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