Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

'Long only' trading FTW, again :)

I've got a short signal right here at 9964 (hence my close), but no way am I going short!"
With apologies to Julius Caesar.

"Veni Vidi Emi"

I'm off to the pub.

Oh look the Dax is going up.
Obviously companies dont make profits through people buying merchandise nowdays. German Retail Sales m/m -0.9%
Companies now make profits by investing in other companies on the Dax exchange, they always go up. :rolleyes:
Morning all,

Quiet start, so maybe todays a good day to ask for some advice...

I've been "lurking" in the background keeping a eye on this forum while trying to do my Mon-Thurs day job and look after my kids, recognising that I'm a green newbie. Ive put down 30 trades in 3 mths and have effectively treaded water with my acct. Small gain's taken away with bigger losses. Losses usually because of feeling I have to trade as I have the opportunity, rather than waiting for a better entry.

Essentially I'm asking for suggestions of techniques/systems which may help me given I can't really day trade. I have a couple of hrs on a Friday morn and afternoon (while my 14mth old twins sleep) in which I can trade/post or after 8pm when the days dust has settled - provided the wife doesn't have plans...

The width of views on here and obvious experience makes me think I can work into a better strategy, but probably only if I concentrate on the right areas of study.:smart:

Thanks in advance !
Morning all,

Quiet start, so maybe todays a good day to ask for some advice...

I've been "lurking" in the background ...

"Small gain's taken away with bigger losses". I think we've all seen that in the beginning.
"I have a couple of hrs on a Friday morn and afternoon, while my 14mth old twins sleep". Your children only sleep twice a week for a couple of hours, they'll make good traders when they grow up. (y)

Here's a good place to start.
You need to chose a system which suits you first of all. I would suggest you concentrate on swing trading longer time frames given your circumstances. Then chose a market you feel you can study.
Have you opened a demo account yet? If not I would just to start off with.
There is some great stuff on this site, if you can find it. Good luck.
Here's a good place to start.
You need to chose a system which suits you first of all. I would suggest you concentrate on swing trading longer time frames given your circumstances. Then chose a market you feel you can study.

Thanks for that PM I shall get onto it (y). I had a demo in 2008 then went to a live acct and lost pretty fast, I'm trading now with whats left in CityIndex. Mostly on Ftse or Dow and trying to jump in at the obvious big turning pts and trying to hold my nerve when underwater.

I study my own charts, but sometimes dither, looking for confirmation in places like here - so I do appreciate the openness you folk have. Time will provide conviction or send me away empty handed...

Back to the lessons thanks :clover: