Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Long TF 1106 , that one may recover , so gonna spread it against the ES !
To discuss Religion is not allowed at this forum and not required. Your information is also wrong.

Religion is not a joke. ....

It is hypocritical of you to tell someone not to post about religion on this thread and then to post your opinion on the subject. You may not like it but other people have the opinion religion IS a joke but they dont post it here.
This is not wanted on this thread or this site.

Fell out of the sanctimonious side of the bed this morning.
You just know the Dax and S&P want to shoot off to the stars, I'm fed up waiting for it now.

Mind you it will all come tumbling down when Draghi doesnt deliver in June.
Nikkei up 2% overnight, I know someone on here was expecting the Nikkei to rocket but couldnt find the right entry. Wonder if they got on board?
Nikkei up 2% overnight, I know someone on here was expecting the Nikkei to rocket but couldnt find the right entry. Wonder if they got on board?

Hi postie

Not me, I thought we crack the southern side of 14,000 and hold.
Thinking and trading don't mix.
It is hypocritical of you to tell someone not to post about religion on this thread and then to post your opinion on the subject. You may not like it but other people have the opinion religion IS a joke but they dont post it here.
This is not wanted on this thread or this site.

Fell out of the sanctimonious side of the bed this morning.

I wouldn't say he was expressing his opinion about religion , he just didn't like others joking about his religion ...
Hi postie

Not me, I thought we crack the southern side of 14,000 and hold.
Thinking and trading don't mix.

Yes I posted on Monday I didnt think 14,000 would hold. It broke through but then clawed its way back up and made a break overnight.
Gov NOT intervening in currency market, mind you theyd be trying to fight the FED if they did, all indebted nations want a devalued currency ATM.
Just my opinion.
I wouldn't say he was expressing his opinion about religion , he just didn't like others joking about his religion ...

Joys of religion, gives people tunnel vision, next minute they are all killing each other...............madness, no matter what personal views are, the world would have less wars etc without it.
Oh man, complete out of the blue Bacon, eggs and a cup of tea are placed in front of me. I must have done something right, but I have no idea what it was. I thought trying to figure out the markets was hard, but what goes on in a womans head is something else entirely. Still not complaining (well not about this anyway). :clap:
I must have done something right, but I have no idea what it was. I thought trying to figure out the markets was hard, but what goes on in a womans head is something else entirely. Still not complaining (well not about this anyway). :clap:

Oh man, complete out of the blue Bacon, eggs and a cup of tea are placed in front of me. I must have done something right, but I have no idea what it was. I thought trying to figure out the markets was hard, but what goes on in a womans head is something else entirely. Still not complaining (well not about this anyway). :clap:

She's pregnant.......................:p