Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

sorry jessie thought we were going to hell no rally

Well, yeah... but this was only argument on rally... technically when to expect bounce back or rally....

When a ball is dropped from roof you expect it to touch the ground "Unless some one catches in between" ;)
Did you actually went to Ukraine to see the ground reality.... or forgot to wake-up today ?

Needed to see the whites of their eyes before putting my hard earned cash on the line.
It aint good, theyre proper hard b@stards.
I'm short Dow 16148.
Tim Haefke bond sp500 relationship

This is the market's 'new fear gauge': Art Cashin

"Everybody talks about the VIX, but the new fear gauge is in fact the 10-year. If you took this morning apart minute by minute, you would see that stocks have reacted exactly with the 10-year."

Cashin called the VIX, which measures volatility in the market, a "broken indicator."
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