Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Never going Down. No let up to the down side.
Shorts are being punished.
Dax dealers have no sell button today.
If you are short move your stop above 6700 and close the screen, come next week or even tomorrow, you will be in profit.

If you are short DOW move your stop to 16550 and come next week you will be in profit. ;)

i have dow long, 304. (300 was pivot)

so not too much damage

we need a Tuesday monitor, to warn us when Tuesday approaching and impose a ban on shorting.

blistering barnacles, dow is up errr 120, but not the 161 it should be
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we had developed a rule on this thread, to never sell strength and never buy weakness.

buy strength and sell weakness. we forgot about it.

and never use charts
The perverse thing is, its a positive sum game, EVERYONE can make money buying indices. So how is it so many people don't.
The answer is BUY AND HOLD. Always wins, Always.
Look back to 1930 on a chart if you dont believe me. Everyone who bought, made a profit.
we had developed a rule on this thread, to never sell strength and never buy weakness.

buy strength and sell weakness. we forgot about it.

and never use charts

and always listen to Oscar and change your pants every day and don't ask questions when DC is being all mysterious and careful when Jessie starts chucking the crash signs around.
if u experience something unbearable u are being tortured that is the definition.
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