Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Markets are in mental mode again.
Sell it off Monday, buy it all back Tuesday. :rolleyes:

Mind you, the longer the prices are kept in a range the more time value those derivative traders lose. :whistling
House prices going up faster than expected.
People 'feel' richer. :LOL:

Still as poor as they were yesterday though. :rolleyes:
Markets are in mental mode again.
Sell it off Monday, buy it all back Tuesday. :rolleyes:

Mind you, the longer the prices are kept in a range the more time value those derivative traders lose. :whistling

countertrend friday. (scared longs get me out)
What month is it?


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Anyone remember the Dax closing at its Lows yesterday?
Up nearly 120 now, what a difference a day makes.
Dow up 35 from yesterdays close, and still below the high it put in around 8.30 last night. Dax and FTSE requiring oxygen at their levels. :confused:
As you can see by the chart above, the ESM14 opened higher, rallied a few handles above and made its high for the day. The problem was all the ups and downs the S&P had to go through before it actually sold off. The Pit Bull taught me a long time ago that if the S&P [CME:SPM14] closes weak on an expiration Friday, it’s usually weak the Monday afterwards. Backing that up are the Mar expiration stats for today that show the S&P has been up 13 and down 16 of the last 29 occasions.
Morning All

Here is the DOW pattern, now rising wedge again :rolleyes:

But by the time US opens may convert into rising channel...



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