Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

New Years resolution ... listen to SD more ;)

the opening cash hour on dax is usually large range, where that range comes is the difficult bit, we dont most of the time

do u remember dax30 and his strat, the dax comes back and fills the opening gap 80% (some huge percentage i cant remember off hand)
Well I'm guessing the PPT didnt want a complete bloodbath today so they sucked it up until 7.45 pm and then let the market have its way.
Next week wont be pretty, they will nurse it down but its still another -4.7% to go. Thats 800 points!

Thats my take on Fridays action.
It's going to be a controlled decent from here. Dont want to panic the public.
I'm shorting big up moves.
the opening cash hour on dax is usually large range, where that range comes is the difficult bit, we dont most of the time

do u remember dax30 and his strat, the dax comes back and fills the opening gap 80% (some huge percentage i cant remember off hand)

can't remember him, good info though gives a bit more edge
PS do you still have that trading where some of us guys where meeting up for a chat ?

Hi Markus, no not any more, I don't know whether you remember Nick, he traded the FTSE only, he moved that bit forward and developed FTSE (I hope the mods allow this link as he is no threat to T2W).

Appears very successful and has a chat room facility,which does expand into non FTSE chat as well. but he charges around £30 a month for access, which includes a signals services. It became popular, I haven't being in there for a long time, but its still up and running.

All the best.

1000 points down since this showed up smoke without fire

I dont know if you've noticed DL but when Yahoo stop updating their charts some ugly sh1t happens.
They're doing it again this morning. ;)

Nikkei down over 10% from highs....
I'm short Dax agin.

I didn't post an entry level but if you look at your charts it never went below 77 +/- 2 minutes from that post so thats a minimum entry point.

Now if I follow SD's advice and move my stop down to 55 I'm +22 on anyones chart....
Hi Markus, no not any more, I don't know whether you remember Nick, he traded the FTSE only, he moved that bit forward and developed FTSE (I hope the mods allow this link as he is no threat to T2W).


Morning Rob, morning all,

don't remember Nick offhand, was his name here Ceydababy ? One thing I've always found is that being in a room or making livecalls can mess up your mind / ego somewhat, so that you don't always have the detachment to a trade that is probably a good idea to have, on the other hand it's good to have to someone to talk with during the trading day, particularly when you're doing it from home alone.


Any conspiracy theorists out there might want to go long when Yahoo start updating their charts again :LOL: