Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Well I'm guessing the PPT didnt want a complete bloodbath today so they sucked it up until 7.45 pm and then let the market have its way.
Next week wont be pretty, they will nurse it down but its still another -4.7% to go. Thats 800 points!
Have a ... weekend all. I wont say 'great' not this week judging by a few of the posts.
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Next week is going to bring a new twist in the game certainly.

I will be working on to find out what that twist will look like and post it here by sunday.

So please do visit in here to find out what that will be.

Until then good bye and have a great weekend.

And yes try to see JD poster and let me know if you like it.

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my prediction seems to be in the minority we go back to 6650 and then possibly 6850 but what do i know
Lessons learned from this thread:

1: Get a four legged partner who can trade.

2: Lunar cycles do affect price. Forget re-enrolling in the hard bxstards school. Enroll in a lunar cycles crash course !



if you post poster like this then hard to resist... no matter if that works or not !
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Ok, I am now forced to go on Taylor Swift show in O2 tomorrow. So bit of change in plan.

Sentiment: Bears have a bit of edge now but they are cautious as support is still (virtually) intact. Bulls confidence have damaged because price went far below the support line. Please see the chart below and notice the red circle. Bulls will have hesitation in buying because their territory seems to have been invaded. Bears are happy to go short unless and until price remains below 6600 in FTSE and 16000 in DOW.


Driver: There has to be a driver to go long or go short from the point where we are. The drivers for bears will be bad news from emerging market, China or US economic data etc. Driver for Bulls will be earning next week. Bad news from emerging market or china can overshadow good earning as we already have some handful of giants given disappointing results.

Earnings so far has already been factored, the latest news from China (PMI) has not been factored but I believe it was expected. So that brings us in a situation where market do not know where to go from here.

From Support and resistance point of view, markets is expected to oscillate between support line 6500 and 6600 (extension 6650)


Later part of the week is going to be more busy and active then the early part of week. Monday will look like a turning point and will look as if market is turning up but will be a tight range. Tuesday and Wednesday will up move (please note both days together).

I am really finding it difficult to forecast next week. I am not sure whats in card for later part, but overs all I do not see major down move.

Same for DOW as well: Dow is expected to move between blue line and red line in feb.


From cosmic energy point of view, Venus turned direct on 31st, tells us that market may continue the trend which was before 21st Dec. Mercury will turn Retrograde on 6th Feb which will create many confusions so be careful.

One of the most powerful event is Mars joining north node and Saturn in Libra (as per Vedic system), this tells us very volatile market so stops will be easily be hit be careful with stops. You will frequently see your stop got hit only to turn trend in your way.

There will be some natural disaster in UK (heavy flooding etc) and problems in Olympics in Russia. But that's not going to affect market.

So finally, target range play, see support and resistance and play between them. And watch out stops....and avoid state of confusion... if in confusion don't trade.


And if this is helpful and you like it, please vote yay or nay :LOL:
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Ok, I am now forced to go on Taylor Swift show in O2 tomorrow. So bit of change in plan.

Sentiment: Bears have a bit of edge now but they are cautious as support is still (virtually) intact. Bulls confidence have damaged because price went far below the support line. Please see the chart below and notice the red circle. Bulls will have hesitation in buying because their territory seems to have been invaded. Bears are happy to go short unless and until price remains below 6600 in FTSE and 16000 in DOW.


Driver: There has to be a driver to go long or go short from the point where we are. The drivers for bears will be bad news from emerging market, China or US economic data. Driver for Bulls will be earning next week. Bad news from emerging market or china can overshadow good earning as we already have some handful of giants given disappointing results.

Earnings so far has already been factored, the latest news from China (PMI) has not been factored but I believe it was expected. So that brings us in a situation where market do not know where to go from here.

From Support and resistance point of view, markets is expected to oscillate between support line 6500 and 6600 (extension 6650)


Later part of the week is going to be more busy and active then the early part of week. Only will look like a turning point and will look as if market is turning up but will be a tight range. Tuesday and Wednesday will up move (please note both days together).

I am really finding it difficult to forecast next week. I am not sure whats in card for later part, but overs all I do not see major down move.

Same for DOW as well: Dow is expected to move between blue line and red line in feb.


From cosmic energy point of view, Venus turned direct on 31st, tells us that market may continue the trend which was before 21st Dec. Mercury will turn Retrograde on 6th Feb which will create many confusions so be careful.

One of the most powerful event is Mars joining north node and Saturn in Libra (as per Vedic system), this tells us very volatile market so stops will be easily be hit be careful with stops. You will frequently see your stop got hit only to turn trend in your way.

There will be some natural disaster in UK (heavy flooding etc) and problems in Olympics in Russia. But that's not going to affect market.

So finally, target range play, see support and resistance and play between them. And watch out stops....and avoid state of confusion... if in confusion don't trade.


And if this is helpful and you like it, please vote yay or nay :LOL:

hi jessie i was looking forward to your post:)

hi jessie ...good post....the 666 level (devil numbers sd :)) is the key as jeff4 pointed out(nearly)..your analysis is great and i I like that you take a further out view. Looking further out is dependent on where we are in the previous months so.... as I previously tried to point out the january top may well be a serious market top...i am bullish at the moment and can still see new ftse all time highs but of course we have to keep them pesky bears hibernating for now... :(

you ever bring volume into your analysis ?
hi jessie i was looking forward to your post:)

hi jessie ...good post....the 666 level (devil numbers sd :)) is the key as jeff4 pointed out(nearly)..your analysis is great and i I like that you take a further out view. Looking further out is dependent on where we are in the previous months so.... as I previously tried to point out the january top may well be a serious market top...i am bullish at the moment and can still see new ftse all time highs but of course we have to keep them pesky bears hibernating for now... :(

you ever bring volume into your analysis ?

Thanks mate...

Yes I do take volume. But I have to say, largely volume doesn't reflects swing moves these days as compared to the olden days. This is because a lot of mechanical trading are in place.

Volume is still important to gauge the major turning points (long term trend).

I now deeply believe that Dec/Jan was top because of many factors... which are also coming into light slowly....

Many things are coinciding...Cycle, trend and cosmic factor...

We will see that in April 20th/21st grand cardinal Cross involving Uranus and pluto... emerging market already showing the sign. 30/20 and 5 year cycle already in play.

An interesting year...
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Thanks mate...

Yes I do take volume. But I have to say, largely volume doesn't reflects swing moves these days as compared to the olden days. This is because a lot of mechanical trading are in place.

Volume is still important to gauge the major turning points (long term trend).

I now deeply believe that Dec/Jan was top because of many factors... which are also coming into light slowly....

Many things are coinciding...Cycle, trend and cosmic factor...

We will see that in April 20th/21st grand cardinal Cross involving Uranus and pluto... emerging market already showing the sign. 30/20 and 5 year cycle already in play.

An interesting year...

i looked at the astrology many moons ago ( done a few mooners) :)

seem to be something in it but i'm too thick to get my head round it..
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that's it from me's the critical lexic levels:)

sp 1770 (too much bloody up side)

dow 15656

ftse 6509

dax "this is a peach" 9285
are they support levels?

hi jessi just my own levels mate ...take or leave :)

only my opinion jess but i still think ftse 6466 is a trigger/magnet so we are bullish above ...i think too much volume over the market at the mo tho so 6466 is my gauge if you like ....maybe feb vol will give us more clues ...i'm not a lot of help i suspect but i only look at price ...

Morning all Tally ho

Dom thoughts
Home > Comment > The Trader
Uptrend unbroken

I can't say that I wasn't warned. Over the past couple of months, I have been sent all manner of detailed forecasts about the imminent end of the equity boom. Some even pinpointed it all to a precise day. In my bullish stupor, however, I failed to heed these words of foreboding. And, since 15 January, the S&P has cascaded lower by 4.2 per cent, while the FTSE 100 has collapsed by 4.8 per cent.

Alright, yes, I'm being sarcastic. I think the strong likelihood is that the equity markets are merely having yet another pullback within their larger bull run. The S&P 500 has had nine retreats of 5 per cent or more since March 2009, all of which gave way to a renewal of the uptrend. It isn't just normal for this to happen, but also necessary and wholly healthy.

It has been 150 trading days since the S&P last dipped by more than 5 per cent. That’s the longest such run during the present bull market. Naturally, the gloomsters are trying to cast this as yet another mark of today's speculative excess. It isn't, though. There have been plenty of much longer spells in the past. The market went 238 days without such a correction in early 2003-04 and 409 days in 1995-96.

S&P's sell-signal

The sell-off so far has done little technical damage. True, the S&P 500 has gone into a downtrend on its swing-chart. This says nothing about the bigger-picture outlook, though. It merely highlights an opportunity for shorting for the time being. The FTSE 100, meanwhile, has gone back to its 200-day moving average, the fifth time it has done so since late 2012. All of those occasions were good buying opportunities.

FTSE pullback

Of course, it is possible that we have now gone into a new bear market, as the pessimists would have me believe. I think it is an aggressive assumption, however, given the so-far limited declines. By almost any reasonable definition, the larger trend in stocks is still plainly upwards. I could not even contemplate turning bearish until that changed. I am a trend-follower, not a trend-predictor.

The trend-follower’s job is a straightforward one and the clue is in the name. We identify the trend and then stick with it for as long as possible. Pullbacks within an uptrend are to be treated as potential buying opportunities. What this means is that we are right most of the time but invariably wrong as the trend finally does switch. However, the money made on the way up should more than make up for this. The lot of a top-caller is typically the reverse of this: wrong forever and then briefly right.

Mid-caps bounce

I remain enthusiastic about the outlook for the FTSE 250 in the near term. The mid-cap index has proved a much better bet over time than the FTSE 100. And while expensive in fundamental terms, it has yet to reach the sort of extremes that have ushered in spells of underperformance in the past. The FTSE 250 gave a repeat buy-signal on Tuesday 28 January. I think this looks a great way to play the next leg upwards.

Where to buy Japan

The same is true of Japan’s Nikkei 225. The index has come off hard since the start of the year and has gone into a downtrend on its swing chart. However, it is still well above its rising 200-day moving average. A strong rally back through the 55-day exponential moving average might be a good moment to get long again.


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Thanks mate...

Yes I do take volume. But I have to say, largely volume doesn't reflects swing moves these days as compared to the olden days. This is because a lot of mechanical trading are in place.

Volume is still important to gauge the major turning points (long term trend).

I now deeply believe that Dec/Jan was top because of many factors... which are also coming into light slowly....

Many things are coinciding...Cycle, trend and cosmic factor...

We will see that in April 20th/21st grand cardinal Cross involving Uranus and pluto... emerging market already showing the sign. 30/20 and 5 year cycle already in play.

An interesting year...

1000 points down since this showed up smoke without fire


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