Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Morning Rob, morning all,

don't remember Nick offhand, was his name here Ceydababy ? One thing I've always found is that being in a room or making livecalls can mess up your mind / ego somewhat, so that you don't always have the detachment to a trade that is probably a good idea to have, on the other hand it's good to have to someone to talk with during the trading day, particularly when you're doing it from home alone.



200% agree on that BSD... I have had that when I was heavily involved in ADVN forum for 5 years during 2007 and pre 2007. It used to become prestige call more often than not. and to prove you are correct you do silly thing....
Scores on the doors again. (From highs).
Hang seng -8.1%
Nikkei -10.1%
Dax -5.5%
FTSE -5.5%
Dow -5.3%