Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Bad trading day, just cashed in plus 400, still down € 2k for the day !

All part of trading, days like this once in awhile !

nice jugs and shes got a red skirt. crazy market action today. crazy
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Err I'm getting the message you like a spota red somewhere, stockings or skirts :LOL:
I'm no expert where this is concerned but that must have been the traders equivalent of being spit roasted. (No pic this time). :eek:
I'm short Dow 15710
Haha yeah.

Going to be a thirsty evening.

But you have to take these things in your stride.
So, end of the day. All of these are now correct

Jan 25, 2014, 11:29pm

I agree, I see a dead cat bounce Mon-Wed...Market likely to bounce back...

Wed-Friday will be very important.. any move between Wed-Friday will be real move ...

Jan 27, 2014, 10:07am

Whatever goes up, goes up till Wed, whatever may be in terms of number...

Wed-Friday will be hardest to trade... if this month has to close down in red... wed-Friday are the days.

FOB on wed can be some truth and surprise may gets reveals.

Yesterday, 10:40pm

Friday is going to close the month in RED. Tomorrow is going to be down or DOJI.
Lessons learned from this thread:

1: Get a four legged partner who can trade.

2: Lunar cycles do affect price. Forget re-enrolling in the hard bxstards school. Enroll in a lunar cycles crash course !

word on the street is that this is month end 'window dressing' and I agree. Yesterdays up move was entirely fake and this latest up move is fake as well. Could be a crashtastic week next week if numbers aren't good.
Been fun hanging out with you guys.

Have a fun weekend.

Off to kickstart operation beer now.


One of us cant handle the early mornings ... poor thing he's had it.


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Anyone think there's a Buy programme running at the moment?
Dont get in the way of those algos.