Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

just a daily reminder about "The Bubble"


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Well there is a scientific study that shows it does not.

Owen, C.; Tarantello, C.; Jones, M.; Tennant, C. (1998). "Lunar cycles and violent behaviour". Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 32 (4): 496–499. PMID 9711362.

I am not aware of one that shows a correlation.

Full Moon Can Disturb Human Sleep, New Research Shows

Lunar Phases and Stock Returns

There are many others but not free !
Dax 9700 cash has been a problem all afternoon. I wonder if it will prove to be in the last 1/2 hour...

Jessi given the views I air on this thread I have no right to say to you that this theory is rubbish even if I think it is.
If your view of the world makes you money, then it works!
Good luck to you. (y)
Jessi given the views I air on this thread I have no right to say to you that this theory is rubbish even if I think it is.
If your view of the world makes you money, then it works!
Good luck to you. (y)

stock market consists of people making decisions, moon affects human behaviour, therefore the moon has no effect on stock market??
Just a bit of fun...

Humans are funny old things.

from the FT website.

There have even been a couple of reasonably influential studies done on the subject. A few years ago, the Harvard Business Review attracted some attention by noting that the results of both of these studies suggested that during the seven days before a new moon and the seven days after a new moon, average stock market returns are higher than at other times. And not just in the US (the most studied of markets), but all over the world.
Sounds like crazy talk doesn’t it? But some perfectly sensible-seeming fund managers set some store by it. Many cultures already assume that the lunar cycle affects behaviour (which is not to say they are correct). There has been some biological research into the issue, too.

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This exact sh1t happened yesterday. The markets fell during the day and then after hours the prices were pushed up only to fall the next day. Well were wise to that now aren't we???