Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Another 70 points upwards and the Dow closes the week positive. :rolleyes:

Thats more likely than "The Goldman's" predicted 10% fall.
Another 70 points upwards and the Dow closes the week positive. :rolleyes:

Thats more likely than "The Goldman's" predicted 10% fall.

sharp rally means many people were short, sharp up moves are sign of bearish market, crazy as it sounds
Well they managed to manipulate a higher close on the s&p for the week. 9 for 9. :rolleyes:
Well they managed to manipulate a higher close on the s&p for the week. 9 for 9. :rolleyes:

painting the close (the weekly close)

the good nfp should not come as a surprise since adp and oecd sharp revision higher for us growth would have given them a few clues
Are stocks about to froth over? With many indexes routinely clocking new highs, bubble chatter is easy to come by. One former presidential budget advisor says stocks are in a bubble! Our soon-to-be Fed head and one of her predecessors say no such bubble exists! A popular newspaper weighed in, too, corralling a few “experts” to opine on the issue. All the hoopla suggests there is a bubble … in bubble talk! In stocks, however, evidence suggests otherwise—this bull has plenty of fundamental support and rational reasons to keep on running.

What tends to move stocks most is the gap between economic and business fundamentals and the degree to which these fundamentals are appreciated. A stock market bubble forms when expectations about publicly traded companies’ future earnings exceed reality—when expectations become inflated. In the late 1990s, for example, Tech stocks with little revenue, unproven track record of success and poor business models shot sky high. Euphoric sentiment was defying fundamentals—glee, driven largely by past returns, was the only thing holding them up. Fundamentals eventually won the day, and sentiment followed after investors gradually saw their irrational bets go south. The bubble burst.
Thats better.
I think this is going to be a dull run up to Christmas.
Small upward moves with little daytime action. :sleep:
Buy and hold from now to January.
Nikkei looks like it will break through 16,000 this week.
And may even overtake the Dow :eek: