Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I must have misunderstood when you said you were not on the train going to work because it was a holiday. :confused:

No mistake. I go to work, on the train, and keep my daughter company at the family business, but I am retired, officially. I, now, have my own computer there, which keeps me out of their hair, unless they want something. They should have thought of it sooner. :)
No mistake. I go to work, on the train, and keep my daughter company at the family business, but I am retired, officially. I, now, have my own computer there, which keeps me out of their hair, unless they want something. They should have thought of it sooner. :)

30 points away from 16,000 those Amerikans are certifiably mental. It is a statistical certainty they will go for it. Long Dow 15972, limit 15998.
Did you know if you cut an amerikan in half it says "Buy the dip" through the middle of them.
A bit like rock. :LOL: