Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Lifes too short - I'm long at 16005 - going out. Safe as houses.

I'm not so sure it's safe as houses lpl
Perhaps with a large stop it is. I can see 16020 as resistance and would think it may take a couple of days to push through it.
I'm not so sure it's safe as houses lpl
Perhaps with a large stop it is. I can see 16020 as resistance and would think it may take a couple of days to push through it.

You do know 16020 went early on in the session?

FTSE has support at my target from Friday of 6706 and is bouncing off.
You do know 16020 went early on in the session?

FTSE has support at my target from Friday of 6706 and is bouncing off.

Just because it went through doesn't mean it is broken unless it stays above. Yes it touched 30 but all I am saying is that I can see some resistance at these levels. We will push through til year end but there has to be a down day or 2 along the way.

Perhaps if we close below 16000 today that will be a psychological barrier.
It's not over til the fat lady sings as you say.