Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Might as well close down this thread now we have an Expert Retail Forex Trader posting live calls elsewhere. Pity he/she isn't an Expert Index Trader, then we could all be rich enough to retire in a few weeks.


where is this expert?

msci work hitting resistance on daily

IWRD lse listed

Morning SD

Plenty of new buy orders coming in so far for the start on Monday.


how can hsbc be making 5 day lows in HK and uk listed hsbc is +0.8%

this is weird, i suppose hk hsbc has to be converted into uk listed hsbc, not easy
i left orders to buy ftse at 35/25/15. roughly to be long if dow hits support 550

no luck not even a nibble overnight.
Wow - real movement today. Lots of trading back and forth - I will be going for the 10 - 20 point trades rather than hang on. Lots of volatility in a small 120 point Dow range.
Dow looks like it wants to go down with Dax. FTSE doing the wild thing this morning - wonder if any news will come out later.
Dow looks like it wants to go down with Dax. FTSE doing the wild thing this morning - wonder if any news will come out later.

mornin' all

ftse sure is, postie - opened over +40 strong relative to dow and continued trading strong. I'm short/long now.
I thought the Dax 'grind' was on but then it spike up - so expect some more downside from 9038.
Could this be Dumb money coming in at the start of the month with the smart money making a graceful exit???
Could this be Dumb money coming in at the start of the month with the smart money making a graceful exit???

ftse feels bullish today, but its internals are bearish as are the internals for sp500.

ftse 25/100
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