Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


Yes I think your right.
Think of a number, double it, add on the number you first thought of and you still wont be near the top of these markets. :rolleyes:

check BP and RDSA approaching top of their channels, channels or bull flags? anyone know?
I posted a video yesterday and thought the guy speaking was an idiot suggesting QE $1b per month.
Now the number may be crazy but his thoughts behind it were not as mad as some members of congress, in that the FED have painted themselves into a corner where they cant stop QE. As soon as they do the market will tank, but the longer they leave it the worse it will be. This will be the bubble to end all bubbles.

I'm afraid you're right. It'll probably happen soon after some politician says, 'No More Boom and Bust'.
I was only meaning 10 or 20pt, just to fool people. 18k Dow for Christmas, 7k FTSE, easy.:)

Of course. (y)
I mean why would you let poor home sales and disastrous consumer spending get in the the way of a stock market rally?
All we need now is record unemployment and the sky's the limit.

My twisted view is the Dow keeps rallying until Joe Plummer who has been scared out of the market by 40% falls finally starts buying again - then it crashes well over 40% again. :LOL: Those Americans are dumb enough to fall for it once again.
4th aug 2013 saw big retail inflow into markets, dow was 15,650

when ever retail enters the market you know a top is being formed. i think the brokers see them coming.
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