Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

79.75 a big area on dollar index
trend res and horizontal res
12 hour chart
watching that
ig daily 600 dow call went from 2 to 64

I think I'm going to have to start trading option again - that was a silly price.
I stopped trading options when I got burned on some Reuters calls the price dropped 50 points on the day of expiry making the options worthless only to go up again the next day.... :rolleyes:
I think I'm going to have to start trading option again - that was a silly price.
I stopped trading options when I got burned on some Reuters calls the price dropped 50 points on the day of expiry making the options worthless only to go up again the next day.... :rolleyes:

also postman you can raise the 2 cost of option by selling an out of the money put, so you have no risk and no loss if it goes wrong, but would have to defend the level of the naked out

the call went from 2 to current high 72

the 500 put could be sold for 8. so you could sell on of them and buy four of the calls

wonder if we have seen the highs 671, or will they come in 30mins before close and buy it up

even if it did not hit our 683 target we would still clean up and have little chance of loss.

you could do a put spread and use the credit to finance the call also. this would be safer

want an example?
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So - we've just had 1000 points on the Dow in 3 weeks.
Its 9 weeks to Christmas.
By my estimates that makes 18,700 call it Dow 19,000 for year end. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I wouldn't put it past them. Mad as a box of frogs.
So - we've just had 1000 points on the Dow in 3 weeks.
Its 9 weeks to Christmas.
By my estimates that makes 18,700 call it Dow 19,000 for year end. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I wouldn't put it past them. Mad as a box of frogs.

Who wouldn't buy with all that great news today?:LOL:

I'm thinking of a late short punt.
Who wouldn't buy with all that great news today?:LOL:

I'm thinking of a late short punt.

The Dow has risen nearly 1,000 points in 3 weeks with no hint of selling at these levels. Why would you want to short it? No one is selling, just ramping the prices up and up and up.
Just my opinion.
The Dow has risen nearly 1,000 points in 3 weeks with no hint of selling at these levels. Why would you want to short it? No one is selling, just ramping the prices up and up and up.
Just my opinion.

I agree with postman,

tell him about the higher lows
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think dow being affected by the 10 handle rule of mrtopstep
es range is 10 handles
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