Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

@michaelhewson 5m

Bad Italian data, poor German data last week. Doesn't bode well for EU Industrial Production in an hour - expect -0.3% but could be worse
@michaelhewson 5m

Bad Italian data, poor German data last week. Doesn't bode well for EU Industrial Production in an hour - expect -0.3% but could be worse

I think we've picked up the American disease of 'ignore bad news'.
@michaelhewson 5m

Bad Italian data, poor German data last week. Doesn't bode well for EU Industrial Production in an hour - expect -0.3% but could be worse

Please dont post bad news like this - your spooking the markets... :LOL:
The Dow is completely unfazed by this down move in Dax and FTSE. It has actually gone up in the last 20 minutes.
Please dont post bad news like this - your spooking the markets... :LOL:


we need some backing and filling,

just looked at cash sp500 yday it did some backing and filling, has gone up 9 days out of 10. climb is parabolic
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this is my channel it's not as exciting as posties


  • ScreenHunter_444 Sep. 12 09.55.jpg
    ScreenHunter_444 Sep. 12 09.55.jpg
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this is my channel it's not as exciting as posties

Equally valid though.

It just goes to prove what I said yesterday about carboni, you can pull up two charts showing your index / equity / currency will be going up or down on the same day.
we got that bad eur industrial production data, how did hewson know it would be worse than expected?