Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

wot next ??

a few more kisses :)

looks like a bit of a neckline on 4 hr at 430 cash....
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what do you think of this p&f chart dentist?


  • ScreenHunter_426 Aug. 12 19.31.jpg
    ScreenHunter_426 Aug. 12 19.31.jpg
    67.5 KB · Views: 148
higher high on the ftse today ...bit of a strange looking candle on the daily tho .....i think they call it a dojo or maybe mojo or something like that ...or maybe a ugot ...useless git of a thing lol
I thought the ftse looked fit for 6600 on friday....then a move up to 6700 next week to close that gap...the US had other ideas and look a bit bearish ..don't think the bulls will want to go lower than the last one on the dow at 370 ish...either that or they were having a really good stop clearing exercise ...still got s&p 1694 as the pointer

usd/chf could be a good forex pick this week imo ….may have found a bottom with 92.50 area to go long me finks....ha watch it tank:)

usd/chf ....good move to upside today but sold back around the 9250 area again ...still on support i think:(
Went away for a couple of hours - came back to find the Dax exactly as it was when I left but heading down - so opened a second short at 8346.
Target still 8280.

Well and truly stopped out. :(
Lets see what happens this morning.
FTSE100 having a nice rise this mourning. Must be that lovely 20p dividend offered on the close today.
Plus the DOW-S&P futres, on there way up. Placed a long at 6595.
dax up massively after long sideways move on 15min chart

sp500sept 1685 once we above that long is the way to go
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Theres CPI, RPI, HPI and PPI coming out at 9.30 - I'm steering clear of the FTSE until then.

Otherwise I might need CPR..... :cool:
why lovely, TL? You'll only get 16p of it credited to your account whilst your position suffers by 20.

Well, we always get a stronger FTSE when ever there's a big dividend. I'm simply playing the long side to profit from the move up. Not actually trying to get a dividend payment, this has happened many times in the past.
Yes you are correct in your above statement.