Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Well, we always get a stronger FTSE when ever there's a big dividend. I'm simply playing the long side to profit from the move up. Not actually trying to get a dividend payment, this has happened many times in the past.
Yes you are correct in your above statement.

Oops, I wasn't questioning your tactics, TL. Just finding it a bit strange that the big dividend should prompt a strong ftse.

(mornin' SD)
Slightly off topic, this 'Gold thing' has been kicking around for a while now.
NSEL Crisis: Rush on to turn e-gold into physical form - Economic Times
There aint enough of it to go round and people know it so one of the 'e-gold' exchanges has stopped people from converting their 'easy to hold electronic gold' into real physical shiny metal.
And apparently (or do I mean allegedly) its all JP morgans fault again. :p
Hope no one here is holding 'virtual gold'.
FTSE +46 at best is really ftse +66 (46+20)

USDJPY +1.2%

those trading dax must be cleaning up, clear support at 8235
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I'm short Dax @8419 not enough follow through - I'd like to see it back at my 8280 target from yesterday but will settle for closing todays gap.
Tight stops this time.
I'm short Dax @8419 not enough follow through - I'd like to see it back at my 8280 target from yesterday but will settle for closing todays gap.
Tight stops this time.

OK - maybe the upside isnt finished yet - out for +1 :rolleyes:
long dow 15,449.5

4pt stop

2mins before being stopped out

15,445 was todays buy pivot. for dow
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It might just be stop clearing on the S&P, because that F'in Dax will not go down ..... its fighting every drop.

give it time, 1685 is a big level. thats why Dow has plunged 105pts.

ftse gave up +46

mrtopstep has said "sellers in the am, and buyers in the pm". lets see if that pan's out today.
afternoon all
got filled on FTSE short(missed out yesterday) at 6619.5 cash
stops above the sellers to the left
target the recent lows..
hope mr topstep not too accurate with buyers in the pm;)
1 hour FTSE

4 hour $/Yen at upper median line now..