Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

bustech given where RIO is trading in australia can you work out what level it should be at in London?

Morning SD

Just missed the open.
Think RIO in London is leading the price at the moment.
You would also to check what day it pays the div in Aus and UK for price going forward.
mornin' all

ftse opened weak (not as much as before dow close friday) but strengthened up. Tad underwater with the short/long atm but nowt to speak of. Patience required.
ok sd lets meet half way ....

60 minus 35 = 25 / 2 = 12.5 + 35 =47.5 or...

60 minus 12.5 = 47.5 support is at 47.5 lol
I'm long Dax 8256. Seems to have had enough of the down side for now.
Expecting retrace to 8345
Ftse signaling it wants to keep going up.
At this rate of retrace the dow could open flat at 15425 ... :eek:
sp500sept 1685 was a big level from which market reacted at 7.45 am this morning it went below 1685 signalling caution and shorting was the way to go
morning all
FTSE never quite made it to my sell spot(black circle..
so just watching atm
Number of Shanghai companies with a registered capital of $24.5 billion or more?

a, 30
b, 100
c, 30,000

to get into ftse100 u need about $4 billion m/cap

ftse 100 has about 30 companies with m/cap above$24 bill