Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

long term charts show gold on a 61 fib so a good chance of support here... of course there is always a chance of the downside continueing :)


  • ScreenHunter_403 Jun. 30 08.17.jpg
    ScreenHunter_403 Jun. 30 08.17.jpg
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Morning Guys,

Going to be selling rallies this week, expect a push below 7900 in Dax today
Talbs there are 86 people viewing this thread, I think you are building up a fan base

haha hopefully ill be a celeb overnight !

got 40 new follwers on twitter aswell , not sure how ill cope with the fame :LOL:

how strong did these markets open, at 6 am dow futures were +4 , all news i read was bad, but it it new qtr so people front running any new cash coming into market.
morning bustech

Bennett "you are now watching the lows in the equity markets" thats a big call

also "AUDUSD back to parity"

Morning SD

Bennett always a big caller, sometimes wrong and sometimes right.

Not much in div's for the week.

Strange day in Asia.

Futures opened strong, then market sold at the open, then rallied late.
ASX took a beating down 2%

4.7 point Monday 01 July 2013
7.4 point Friday 05 July 2013


0.9 point Tuesday 02 July 2013
Morning Barjon and Talbs

morning everyone,

CNBC were calling FTSE down by 4pts pre market.

think a trickle higher triggered a mountain of buy stops

SP50sept back to big level 1609
ftse bulls have a bit of a task now with h&s neckline, ih&s neckline(my fav at mo), gap and downtrend channel ...260 is the key me finks
yes maybe postie could direct it and keep you on the right side with the remote:LOL:

haha yes it s a good idea, where is postman, must have been a big round this morning .

Bulls need to step it up to keep these things afloat, im in bear mode at mom so no more upside today please mr market !