Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Anyone trading this quagmire? 'cause I'm not.

i was long, then someone was pressing the remote so i went short ! Talk from the floor is split, lots of people hoping for taper talk to create massive vol in the markets !
biggest ftse stock HSBA +2.7%

Financials are strong today which has been attributed to Draghi's comments this morning. This has helped FTSE outperform. DAX is relatively weaker and has not been helped by the very poor European car sales data.
Looks like the FTSE's given up and taken her ball home.
FTSE down 7.2% from highs.

Dow down 1.9% from highs. :rolleyes:
DB expects Fed to indicate tapering will begin soon, they suggest Sept, sooner is unlikely, about 1/3 in both MBS and Tsy purchases. FOMC stmt will acknowledge softer data of late, First rate hike not until March 2015.

If this is the case stocks will get hosed .
FTSE is being really stubborn since NY open which is an ar5e as I was hoping from a nice ride up to 6409 cash. damn you FTSE pull your finger out.
SP500june according to mrtopstep does a 50ish 5 day range, 1597+50= 1647 should be the highs. when will it turn.

1647= 6374
Nobody wants a position over fed tomorrow, so people reluctant to do anything !

still cant believe how little the FTSE responded to the dow risk breakout. The FTSE sucks today, I am staying in unless we get below the monthly 23.6 fib.