Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

hope we don't get bogged down with this...the circle is the median line and dentists 15296....t/l break around 15209


  • ScreenHunter_349 Jun. 14 10.18.jpg
    ScreenHunter_349 Jun. 14 10.18.jpg
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Almost perfect this technical picture of a cup and handle, really interested to see if it works out !
The last time I tried going long on the FTSE it fell 120 points and recovered in 2 days. :rolleyes:

Yes we've broken a significant downtrend over the past few weeks and there's nothing I'd like to see more than the FTSE hit 6400 again. But it is the FTSE after all and we're in a down week.
So given the choice of going up 60 points from here or down I'd go for down.
Short FTSE 6338.

Bang! Bang! - New barrel of fish please. ;)
great call post man have letters after your name:)

have we seen the bottom?

Hmmm. Catching a falling knife eh! Never good.

The trendline we broke calls for a retest at 6280 but I'm scalping so I'm out now (+30).

My opinion (read guess) would be that we hit 6280 today and look for a push upwards next week. But that's crystal ball stuff.
Dax has touched the downward trendline it broke out of late yesterday. This suggests upside to me on the Dax.

The volatility on the FTSE is still catching me out. - Down 48 since my call :rolleyes:
i'm also trying a new thingy to project targets ...early days but i hope the upside target is met at 6450+...if not then the downside target might bring the daily h&s into play...6200ish neckline
Dow opened the week at 15288. This level is within reach and most likely will be a target for the bulls today.
that will create one hell of a weekly candle

It would certainly be a sign of strength for the bulls. The last weekly Dow candle was the same. It would indicate that the market tried to go down twice but the lower levels were firmly rejected.