Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Couple of these in the afternoon will slow them down.
Going leave a few small sell order's overnight from 8,065 to the gap.

im off for a few of them myself now, agree will be cutting my longs at these levels and wait to see what happens friday ! Thats the game plan !
interesting level wernluck are obviously bearish long term but will you still trade long against your bias?

do i need to sign up to advent to access your blog?

Dick,free to sign up,if you feel so inclined:
btw,at the moment the longer term trend is up,as FTSE has not blown away the buyers at this level
if 6200 level goes then that will change the long term flow to down..imo of cvourse..
strongest POMO of the week today, with $5B coming in on Monday as well. bulls have a lot to prove here..
Dow trying to make sure there is no gap before the open - why let a trifling thing like a 6% fall in Japan upset the first cup of coffee of the day. :rolleyes:

And most surprisingly - the FTSE if actually following the Dow UP :eek:
Today's FTSE intraday chart looks identical to yesterdays.
I wonder if it will finish the same way?
interesting level wernluck are obviously bearish long term but will you still trade long against your bias?

do i need to sign up to advent to access your blog?

Dick,free to sign up,if you feel so inclined:
btw,at the moment the longer term trend is up,as FTSE has not blown away the buyers at this level
if 6200 level goes then that will change the long term flow to down..imo of cvourse..

thanks w, i agree 6200 critical for the bulls ...simple h&s on the daily also agrees with your 5600ish ...think the clue could come with the june close
this time?


  • ScreenHunter_344 Jun. 13 15.08.jpg
    ScreenHunter_344 Jun. 13 15.08.jpg
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Been spouting n about this all day profit order hit in the dax at 8100 but feel it can go more ! hope someone listened to me on here !
Thanks Jeffre4 glad to see someone is paying attention, double bottom S&P on Globex gus beware the return of the bulls
Good news all about everyone making money, dont like to see people losing, we make money as a community we will all progress !