Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Postman whats all this PM lark ! Stick your trades on here, no need to hide them !
Dax does feel like it doesnt want to go up at mom, but gap from 82-87 on future, that will get filled today i think so reluctant to short, roll on 11 am so i can get a clearer picture zzzzzzzzzzz
RIO close to 52 week lows, I am guessing the australian economy is going down the tube, and china is in bad shape
Postman whats all this PM lark ! Stick your trades on here, no need to hide them !

Ok - I'm short Dax again. I think it's got more downside. I'm in @ 8242.

But I really hate shorting the Dax as I've said before its such a nerve racking ride but more rewarding.

Shorting the FTSE is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Ok - I'm short Dax again. I think it's got more downside. I'm in @ 8242.

But I really hate shorting the Dax as I've said before its such a nerve racking ride but more rewarding.

I agree the markets feel heavy but im trying to be good and stick to my rules so waiting till 11 ! probably be 8100 by then ha
Newcrest Mining's was the world's second biggest gold producer.

Used to trade it against Randgold on the FTSE.

Gold miner's have big daily movement's, can get very illiquid at times.

Newcrest's shares plunge again - The West Australian

From the article .. "A company that had a market capitalisation of more than $30 billion two years ago when chief executive Greg Robinson took over, is now down 70 per cent with its value just above $9 billion."

I bet he still gets his $50m bonus though. (n)
Ok - I'm short Dax again. I think it's got more downside. I'm in @ 8242.

But I really hate shorting the Dax as I've said before its such a nerve racking ride but more rewarding.

I agree the markets feel heavy but im trying to be good and stick to my rules so waiting till 11 ! probably be 8100 by then ha

Well if it dips below 8200 you've got to be in on the downside...
Rules are made to be broken :)
Well if it dips below 8200 you've got to be in on the downside...
Rules are made to be broken :)

Hmmm not sure about that ive done that before then you end up on the wrong side!

Support around 8219/17 at mom
Technically this chart looks great for alot more downside now 19s have broken . :clap:

That's another +42 for me.

I can see why you would be hesitant to go short now Talbs.