Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Down for 18 minutes last time - back up now. But I'm sure its time to leave them.
I'm doing well enough losing money on my own without their help.
Down for 18 minutes last time - back up now. But I'm sure its time to leave them.
I'm doing well enough losing money on my own without their help.

yesterday every single dow component was lower that tends toward a technical rebound, dow has been +60 from yesterdays close
That good old cup of joe really makes reality come into focus, and its not pretty.

Soon be time for the opium of the jobs numbers.

i would guess jobs data will be bad, since adp was weak and pmi's weak also and rail traffic also tends towards weakening, but strangely consumer confidence is at multi year highs, go figure, are they happy their houses/401k's are back to good levels?
if draghi speak then short the euro which is currently 1.3100

draghi is not brining down the eurousd, this is not right, maybe a delayed reaction once they figure out what he has said
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chap on tv on cnbc said he would be looking to get into the dax long for a quick 200pt profit?

scalpers have reached the highest levels of the media


I think I will write to CNBC and see if I can punt my b*llsh*t to a wider audience.
14920 and I might risk a long on the Dow.
Warning - my record on calling turns on the dow 'aint great - so don't waste YOUR money.
14920 and I might risk a long on the Dow.
Warning - my record on calling turns on the dow 'aint great - so don't waste YOUR money.

great level

what ever draghi is saying he is messing up the dow rebound

you would not be allowed on CNBC because your trades actually make money
Anyone any idea on what the ftse's up to.

If it goes much past 6380 I can only see a rapid decline to 6240... that seems like overkill to me.
Anyone any idea on what the ftse's up to.

If it goes much past 6380 I can only see a rapid decline to 6240... that seems like overkill to me.

it will track sp500

think dow wants that 5% correction, 14756 approx ftse 6300

who knows how much damage draghi is capable of? he must be short,

trying to analyze the market now is like trying to see into draghi's brain, a futile endeavour at best of times
I've closed my Dax short - I'm trying to steel another 20 from the dow (15000) and I'm keeping my ftse open until at least EOD.
Time for some sunshine I think. - good trading guys.
I've had a short on the Footsie all morning, had to go out and see that I was within 5 points of my stop. I have mentioned limits before, on this thread, because they can be very profitable when one is absent from the computer. I put one on at 6400, while I was travelling to work and am gratified to have made 20 points. The market went down more but you can't win 'em all.

Anyone reading this, who does not use limits, could do worse than try it out. I am. relatively, new to them but intend to use them more.
I've had a short on the Footsie all morning, had to go out and see that I was within 5 points of my stop. I have mentioned limits before, on this thread, because they can be very profitable when one is absent from the computer. I put one on at 6400, while I was travelling to work and am gratified to have made 20 points. The market went down more but you can't win 'em all.

Anyone reading this, who does not use limits, could do worse than try it out. I am. relatively, new to them but intend to use them more.

hi splitlink

deciding where the limit is would be very hard,
Just snuck back in
FTSE position stopped out. its now down 7.5% :(

Dow position closed :clap:

Dow - down 3.8%.

Basically just sell the ftse and buy the dow and you will make money. :eek: