Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

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This market has the makings of an ascending triangle on the Dow - If 15300 holds on an hourly chart then its back up to 15500. Currently that's a 1:3 risk reward ratio. (You could wait and get better :) )
And, where the Dow goes the FTSE follows... eventually.
:eek: Sorry to here that. I think that must be the first post of this kind this year.

Went long - stopped out. What do you make of that Sam?

You've applied to the Bernacke Refund Fund then? Gives you your money back if you lose on a long.
This market has the makings of an ascending triangle on the Dow - If 15300 holds on an hourly chart then its back up to 15500. Currently that's a 1:3 risk reward ratio. (You could wait and get better :) )
And, where the Dow goes the FTSE follows... eventually.

postman do u look at the sp500 future (june)
oscar is bullish, says buy the dip, dont believe the downside @ 2.44 interesting chart of sp500 future, downside last 3-5 days but is buying opp, bond market is bearish, rising yield just as Gross/buffett have warned us about, will pressure the price of commodities, also house price, might explain the uk gov new schemes for house buyers

#1027 05/29/2013 Oscar Carboni reminds us "Market dips are mere buying opportunities" - YouTube

Just watched this video and I'm worried now...
The phrase everyone dreads has started to be ushered. "It's different this time".

Oscar calls it "New world economy" - take a look at 2.53 on his video.
"In todays 'new world economy' market dips are mere buying opportunities." :LOL:

"This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning." (I wish I'd thought that one up).
Just watched this video and I'm worried now...
The phrase everyone dreads has started to be ushered. "It's different this time".

Oscar calls it "New world economy" - take a look at 2.53 on his video.
"In todays 'new world economy' market dips are mere buying opportunities." :LOL:

"This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning." (I wish I'd thought that one up).

fair point, think oscar is conscious that exuberance is usually a bearish sign, but one point he made was that there has been a switch from weak dollar/bullish equity, to strong dollar/ bullish equity, and if u lok at the 30yr and 10yr treasury charts they look very bullish, buffett has said that its better to be in equity than gov bonds, dollar with higher risk free return will drive equity markets higher, think fed sent tepper out to soften perceptions of how bad for equity the bond normalisation of rates would be
i got an buy order at dow 15,317

wonder if we have done enough "backing and filling" we got below Fridays close

Japan down 2.5% in the out of hours.
Want some more down side to get long in Asia on Thursday.
Which should build into your session on Thursday,
That's the plan anyway.
US could spoil the above.
Japan down 2.5% in the out of hours.
Want some more down side to get long in Asia on Thursday.
Which should build into your session on Thursday,
That's the plan anyway.
US could spoil the above.

this is getting ugly, moved buy order to 15,306

sp500june below 1650.6 was bearish, its now 1643.5

not much panic as we plunge the depths,